
Showing posts from April, 2018

Progress with pitch

I've made a lot of progress on my game this week. I have the GUI much closer to being where I want it. I decided to make a menu that will control the bidding, playing, and discarding. I had been trying to create a JList that displays all of the cards in the User's hand so he can just click the items on the list to play/discard them,  but I've been having a bit of difficulty implementing it. I'll probably give that another try. I'm also still working on the logic of having the AI make coherent bids and plays as well as just tracking score and doing the dealing/ redealing that's associated with pitch. The getting the logic and GUI coordinated was a much bigger undertaking than I was planning on so I'm a bit behind where I hoped to be at this point in the semester. It will be a busy couple days.

Pitch Game Update

This week I've been trying to get a basic pitch game programmed. So far I have a card class that analyzes and assigns value to the individual cards a player possesses. I also have a deck class where I create the playing deck with 52 cards plus images/jokers. I am currently working on getting the game to deal nine cards to each player and then have the players analyze their cards and try to make a bid. I think that will be a difficult task. I also put buttons in the GUI class for bidding, dealing, starting a new game, and discarding, though some of those buttons don't work as intended yet. My goal for the next couple days is to get the barebones of a pitch game (and pitch GUI) up and running so I can start exploring strategies to guide the decision making of the AI. I am also going to be working on the discard button more. My idea is to have the player press discard when he/she must go from nine cards in their hand to six cards in their hand. Then when they press the butto


I will be creating a 10 point pitch game. The main objective of my project will be to develop a variety of different strategies to generate moves from the computer controlled players. I will test each of the strategies against each other to quantify their effectiveness. I will then have an in game difficulty option that allows you to choose the competence of your partner as well as your opponents. I am planning on using Java and the swing GUI toolkit to make my game. The GUI will probably be pretty simple since my main focus isn't to be flashy or distracting but rather to have difficult AI opponents that are programmed with heuristic functions based on statistics. My idea is that for each increase in difficulty I will add additional parameters to its heuristic functions allowing the opponents to have an increasingly better understanding of the cards that have been played and the cards that are left to play.